Own a property with confidence: choosing a PPSR partner

By Friday, November 27, 2015 0 No tags Permalink

Okay, I’ll start off as if you know nothing about PPSR (Personal Property Securities Register). To begin, on 30 January 2012, all personal property security interests in Australia made the transition to a single national register or PPSR. The PPSR is a national online register that can provide information to help limit your risk when buying personal property.

In a nutshell, it is an online tool for reducing your risk when buying properties.

PPSR allows businesses to register their security interest over all of their personal properties, thus giving them rights over the property in case another party does not fulfil their obligations (such as paying loan advanced to purpose the specific property). This added measure helps protect finance companies and suppliers from receiving losses when a client does not fulfil their obligations or defaults on a loan.


PPSR benefits individuals and businesses by allowing them to assess whether the personal property they want to purchase – such as cars, boats, or machinery – have a security interest filed on them before finalizing their purchase. This allows buyers to purchase with peace of mind as they can ensure that they’ll receive the personal property with a clear title.

If you have bought or are looking to invest or purchase a property in some form of personal property (excluding real estate), you can utilize PPSR to ensure that the personal property doesn’t have a security interest filed on it. This is vital, as, for example, if you purchase a car that still has money owing on it, and the lender still has a security interest with PPSR, the car you bought could still be repossessed if the original owner (the business or person you purchase it from) default on their loan or similar.


In many cases, the PPSR particularly benefits people who are considering to purchase properties as it lets the buyer check that they will receive clear title as well as verify any other specifics of the property. Therefore, PPSR search with Infotrack will give you the ability to perform a PPSR Search with ease. Their PPSR Search tool provides a simple way to search for interests in personal property other than land or buildings such as Organizational Grantor, Individual Grantor, Serial Number, Registration, or Ordinal searches.

When choosing for a PPSR partner, look for the following service features:

  • PPSR bulk order functionality with auto verification of ACN, ABN & Name.

  • Auto settings to group orders into a single email.

  • Auto issue email of specific PPSR results eg. Summary, Certificates and Attachments, or selected results.

  • Flexible delivery options from the homepage of PPSR results list – Summary, Certificates, Excel options.

  • Reissue results options anytime at no extra cost– Certificates, Summary, Excel.

  • Verification and auto match of Name/ACN/ABN.

  • Ability to export your PPSR Search to excel format to sort and manage results.

  • Search three PPSR criteria at once, including ASIC Company Search.

  • After your PPSR search has been ordered, free access to REVEAL, data visualisation of your PPSR Search result.

These features will ensure that your buying experience is stress and error-free. While many services are currently offering PPSR services right now, you need to ensure that you’re getting the right PPSR search partner since purchasing any property with your hard-earned money is no joke.

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