Infographic on Health Care Legal Policies and Ethics

By Thursday, January 15, 2015 0 No tags Permalink

As the topic of health insurance becomes more important, it is critical that consumers and health care providers have a fundamental understanding of the legalities and ethics associated with medical care. As you work toward your master’s in health administration, you will have the opportunity to gain real-world knowledge and practical skills around these legalities and ...

The Most Common Type of Accident at Work

Accidents happen at work every day, all over the country. They’re an unavoidable aspect of running a business, and can prove to be quite serious in certain situations. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of how these incidents can be instigated – and implement procedures to reduce risks. While there is no way to accurately pinpoint ...

How to Minimise Risk and Injury In the Workplace

You might be surprised to learn that the thousands of workers affected by workplace injuries each year actually cost the economy an estimated $60.6 billion dollars. These accidents also take a significant emotional and personal toll on the injured individuals. If you’re interested in both the macro and micro affect of injury in relation to ...

Is Your Small Businesses’ Legal Documentation in Order?

By Tuesday, October 14, 2014 0 No tags Permalink

Every business needs to have certain documents in order to trade. You will need VAT registration, and Companies House certificates, if you are a limited company. If you are a sole trader you’ll still need to have evidence of business expenditure or, proof of insurance, depending on the nature of your enterprise.   Legal documents are important If ...

6 Things that Spike Your Auto Insurance

By Wednesday, September 17, 2014 0 , Permalink

While choosing the best insurance premium for your automobile, you may seek around the industry analyzing and comparing each insurance company that you come across. But under this procedure, most people miss out on an integral specification. There are certain factors which in time might spike your insurance premium. The auto insurance sector is emerging ...

How Startups and Entrepreneurs Can Avoid Bankruptcy

By Friday, September 12, 2014 0 No tags Permalink

Most businesses fail within the first few years of opening their doors. There are a lot of reasons for this. Maybe the entrepreneur overestimated how popular his product would be. Perhaps she failed to market her product or service properly. Most likely, though, a new business will fail because the entrepreneur behind the company fails ...