Groups Benefit Greatly From NY Defensive Driving Courses

By Monday, June 27, 2016 0 No tags Permalink

One of the most progressive things about New York driving laws is its educational aspects. The authorities are very serious about keeping people safe on the roads. They understand awareness is key to safety and want residents to take defensive driving courses. In fact, the laws award students who successfully complete these self-enrichment programs.

However, there has always been a problem with getting New Yorkers into the driver education classroom. The population here is too large for the schools to focus solely on recruiting individuals. Programs need to reach large swaths of the population to truly put a dent in traffic accidents.

Well, this problem has been solved to a significant degree. Now, it is possible, and well-advised, for groups, families, companies and organizations to sign up for NY defensive driving courses together.

What are some benefits of NY driving courses?

  • 10 percent insurance reduction for three years
  • 4 points off license
  • Completion reported to DMV automatically

The Two Driver Education Options (classroom and online)

These point and insurance reduction programs (PIRP) are taught by certified instructors. For those choosing to take group courses in the classroom, there will be 320 minutes of instruction with this teacher.

Others may opt for an online defensive driving curriculum. This choice is popular today with groups because they can attend sessions together at the workplace or in a meeting room. All that they need is an Internet connection and free-time.

Also popular about the online defensive driving course is the ability to stop and pause the class when the group needs to return to other activities. Companies love that the workday can continue as normal while employees attend an online defensive driving school.

Why do it as a group?

First off, groups often receive preferential treatment because New York wants as many students enrolled in driver programs as possible. Some groups get reduced rates because of bulk pricing. Potential enrollees should speak with their NY defensive driving admissions specialist about any savings for groups and organizations.

Second, taking a group defensive driving course helps keep students motivated. Face it, few New Yorkers want to add another activity to their already busy schedules. Unfortunately, many forgo defensive driving education, despite the obvious need to take the course. When everyone in a company, restaurant, church, family, etc., decides to take the course together, there is more motivation to complete it.

Last, but not least, groups benefit greatly from a cumulative safety factor. In general, graduates are able to navigate the congested city streets with greater agility.

Workers arrive on-time more frequently. Motorists receive fewer traffic violations, reducing the odds of the dreaded license suspension, which can force them into dependence on public transportation. Whole families will have more money for food and shelter each month because the breadwinner is less likely to be paying off mountainous fees associated with traffic tickets.

Basically, the quality of life of group defensive course students improves dramatically.

Sign Up a Company or Organizational Group Today

As seen here, companies and other organizations benefit greatly from signing up for NY defensive driving courses. Not only do they save money, because certain schools offer preferential group rates, but also they enjoy a plethora of intangibles that can improve the lives of all involved.

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