Understanding correlations will help traders to look at two seemingly different markets or assets and observe how the market price fluctuates relative to each other. This will allow traders to develop opinions on markets that they may not have followed in the past. One market that attracts many traders is gold. However, it is not ...
Can small businesses survive changes to business rates appeals?
As the first business rates revaluation since 2010, the coming changes on 1st April 2017 are set to be the most redistributive of the last generation. Businesses across London, both large and small, are expecting particularly significant increases for the next five year period. On top of that, according to the latest research from business rates ...
Will business benefit if Scotland gains independence?
Since Britain’s decision to leave the EU, whispers of a second Scottish Independence Referendum have been reverberating around the hallowed halls of Holyrood. There’s been a constant back and forth battle over the past few months, and while Nicola Sturgeon recently put the brakes on plans for a second referendum in 2017, it certainly hasn’t ...
How To Take Your Housecleaning Business To The Next Level
If you have a housecleaning business, perhaps you’re making a nice amount of money with a good amount of clients. However, if you’re looking to take your business to the next level, there are some things that you should really consider. Housecleaners who are known for fantastic and specialized work can make a six figure salary ...
How to Successfully Run a Small Business on a Budget
When it comes to successfully running a small business, time and resources seem to be the two things that are always in short supply. While we all may have the same 24 hours to work with, each business owner has their own individual budget. Being able to make ends meet with less, and expertly managing ...
3 Keys to Financial Fitness
Managing money is a complex process, marked by significant challenges and a constant uphill struggle. Or is it? While it may be true we all face financial obstacles during the course of daily life, successful personal money management boils down to a few basic principles. When financial difficulties do arise, the root of the problem can ...
5 Tips for Finding the Right Money Manager
One of the least mentioned strategies for retirement planning is hiring a money manager. You might feel embarrassed about discussing your finances with a stranger, or maybe you distrust money managers as a whole. However, working with the right retirement money manager is one of the best ways to plan and save for retirement. A ...
Trading from Home: How to Manage the Risks
Online trading such as Forex Trading and Spread betting is famed for its risks. Categorised as gambling by governments around the world, and therefore free of income tax, it is a high risk, high reward game, and that’s why it’s beloved of so many. Challenging, exciting, and unpredictable, it offers the chance to make tremendous ...
Facts About Retro-Commissioning (RCx)
Existing building commissioning, or retro-commissioning, applies the commissioning process to existing buildings. Retrocommissioning seeks to improve how building equipment and systems function together. Depending on the age of the building, this process often resolves problems that occurred during design or construction, as well as addressing problems that develop over time. The process improves the operations ...
How To Save Money In Business
Your business isn’t going to reach its full potential if a lot of the money you invest in it is being wasted on unnecessary things. No matter what type of business you’re in, there are sure to be ways to cut back that can benefit the business in the long-run. With the tips in this ...